fork over

美 [fɔːrk ˈoʊvər]英 [fɔːk ˈəʊvə(r)]
  • 支付;付出
fork overfork over


to surrender someone or something to another
the guard delivered the criminal to the police
render up the prisoners
render the town to the enemy
fork over the money
Synonym: hand over fork out fork up turn in deliver render


  1. Every year I have to fork over more taxes to the government .


  2. I shall have to fork over the soil in the front garden .


  3. I must be sure to fork over the whole garden before the winter .


  4. How you getting Uncle Sam to fork over that much cash ?


  5. My theft insurance policy will have to fork over that $ 10 million .


  6. I was angry at having to fork over so much money for such simple repairs .


  7. He was angry at having to fork over so much money for such simple repairs .


  8. He had to fork over fifty dollars to have the car repaired .


  9. I once had to fork over $ 55 for a speeding ticket .


  10. M : Well , anyway , you need to fork over my5 dollars now , please .


  11. We are going to have to fork over that extra couple bucks for that " made in America " sticker .


  12. The son usually cries out for " independence and autonomy ," but when it comes time to spend money , he 'd make the old man fork over .


  13. I unexpectedly bumped into Ralph and he asked me to fork over the ten bucks I owed him .


  14. Ward was able to persuade his customers to take an enormous leap of faith : Fork over cash for products that they had only seen pictured in his catalog .


  15. Somehow , though , the revaluation rate priced into the renminbi forwards was always greater than the result at the end of the contract ; the renminbi bulls always had to fork over the difference when their contracts came due .


  16. An on-site photographer will capture what goes down on film so that tourists can remember the adrenaline rush through photos - if they choose to fork over an additional fee for the keepsakes , that is .


  17. The lesson to date is that America , faced with nuclear blackmail , will bow down , dignify and fortify tyrants , fork over loot , and celebrate the process as a victory for diplomacy .


  18. That will give you another t30 days to track the progress of your contributions from friends and relatives , who secretly hope your goal won 't be reached so they won 't have to fork over the money , read your book or see your film .


  19. The sky-high costs stem from a combination of cultural traditions that mandate expensive pre-wedding gifts between families , such as mink coats and diamond rings , along with a decades-old custom that the groom must fork over money to provide a home .


  20. And Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told The Sunday Times : If the only way to avoid a nightmare queue is to fork out over 1,000 extra , Britain 's reputation for travellers will be in shreds .


  21. And Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told The Sunday Times : " If the only way to avoid a nightmare queue is to fork out over £ 1000 extra , Britain 's reputation for travellers will be in shreds . "


  22. Gently move with a fork for 2 mins over a low-medium heat until beginning to set .


  23. He fiddled abstractedly with his knife and fork as he turned over in his mind the remarks the man with the moustache had just made .


  24. Requirement : The parking brake should be a fork that drops down over the underwater pipe to lock the craft in the correct position for lifting the concentrator with the jib .
